
Saturday, 30 December 2017

If I Ever Have A Daughter

If I ever have a daughter
I would call her just my child
And not define her by her gender
I will teach her how to fly
But keep her roots grounded
She will never be called weak
She'll be a warrior
A fighter
A conqueror
She will wear what she wishes to
Because clothes are not her dignity
Its her soul
I will teach her about her body
Because sex is not a taboo
If I ever have a daughter
She'll be my pride
She will be the owner of her life
Because she would know its value
There would be words written for her
But words would never be enough to define her

Thursday, 28 December 2017

महँगी होती इंसानियत

हँस लो यारो
हँसी तुम्हारे आईफोन से भी महँगी होने वाली है
आज लोग आईफोन को तरसते हैं
कल हँसी को तरसेंगे
वो दिन दूर नहीं
जब कह रहे होंगे हम
कि यारो!
साँस ले लो
ऑक्सीजन की कीमत चुकाने का
वक़्त आ गया है
हर चीज़ जिस की कीमत
आज नहीं मालूम है तुम्हें
हर उस चीज़ पर जान लुटाओगे तुम
फिर भी कीमत नहीं
चुका पाओगे तुम
खुद को इंसान कहने वाले ही
प्रकृति की इंसानियत
के बोझ तले
दबे हैं
और कितना खुद को नीचे
गिराओगे तुम
ये जो नाम मिला है तुम्हें
इसने नदी, हवा, धरती, अंबर
मन, शरीर, विचार, शब्द
सबको गंदा कर दिया है
हाँ वो दिन भी दूर नहीं
जब इंसान भी
न कहलाओगे तुम


कल जो बातें जोड़ती थी हमें
आज उन्होंने ही सरहदें बना दी है
लगता ही नहीं की इंसान हैं हम
शायद सरहदें देखकर
पड़ोसी देश हो चले हैं हम
जो लाईन ऑफ़ कंट्रोल से
एक दूसरे पर नज़र रखते हैं
सामने कोई हरकत होने पर
जवाबी हमला भी करते हैं
पर कोई पूछ ले हम से
एक-दूसरे के बारे में
तो यूँ मुँह फेर लेते हैं
मानो कोई वास्ता ही न हो
एक दूसरे से
सच! सरहदें बाँट देती हैं
पर खुद कभी नहीं बँटती
तो क्यों न सरहदें ही बन जाए हम
एक दूसरे की
पड़ोसी देशों की सरहदें एक होती हैं न
सरहदों की तो सरहद नहीं होती न
तो आओ चलो सरहद बन जाए
आओ चलो एक हो जाए
और सारी दुनिया को
पड़ोसी देश बना ले अपने

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

खुद को भी इंसान बनाकर बताओ तो जाने

हाँ पंख नहीं है तुम पे
फिर भी आकाश में उड़ना आसान है
कभी ज़मीन पर बिन लड़खड़ाये
चलकर बताओ तो जाने
हर वक़्त दौड़ते फिरते हो
आगे बढ़ने की होड़ में
एक लम्हा थमकर
जीकर बताओ तो जाने
चेहरे पे चेहरे लगा रखे हैं
कचरे से चेहरा सजाये बैठे हो
कभी अपने-आप को भी सबको
दिखाकर बताओ तो जाने
ईंटों से दीवार बनाते जा रहे
सपनों के संसार बनाते जा रहे
कभी मिट्टी के टीले
बनाकर बताओ तो जाने
हर रोज़ नए मकान सजाते रहते हो
रिश्तों के बाज़ार बनाते जा रहे
मकान तो हर कोई बना लेता है
अपनों से घरबार
बनाकर बताओ तो जाने

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

I Think

I think and think and think
At times when I'm alone
At times when people look at me
At times when no one's watching
Though my thoughts
Don't appear on my face
But the process is reflected well
Still, I think
I think I'm the master of my own world
Though I'm not
In fact, I have several masters to be named
And no
They aren't my parents
Or my teachers at school or college
No they aren't my friends
Or the experiences of my life
Those masters are
Pretty close actually
My masters are my fears
And my anxieties
They are the rules that bind me
My master is the society
And the famous chaar log
My master are the norms
That some nobody created
Yes, I'm the master of no one
In fact, I'm a slave to my masters
I'm a slave at service
A slave on duty
But don't you misjudge me
My duty is not bowing to my weaknesses
My duty is to rise up above
My duty is to grow enough
To be a student
And not a slave
I think of my hairs
Long and open
Free to be tangled by the wind
I think of my lips
Not trembling with fear
But murmuring the lyrics of a song
I think of those invisible wings
That grow on me
And take me to the skies
I think, because I'm the controller
Of my thoughts
If not the master of my world
I think again
Because there's no 'my world '
I think
Because I'm free to think

Wednesday, 27 September 2017


वो खतों का दौर था
जब लोगों की बातें होती थी
अब दौर वो है आ गया
जब बातों से लोग होते हैं

वो इंतज़ार एक पन्ने का
वो कागज़ में लिपटी हुई बातें
वो बेसब्र से लम्हें
वो हल्की-फुल्की यादें

रातो को करवट लेना
साँसों का यूँ ही बस ऊपर-नीचे होना
वो तेज़-सी धड़कन और बंद-सी ज़ुबान
सब उस स्पर्श का हिस्सा है
जो पन्ना एक कराता था

हर शब्द में दिल के राज़ थे
कुछ अनसुलझे-से ख्वाब थे
अब बातों से ही लोग हैं
तब लोगों से कुछ बातें थी 

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Half A Bite

I don't understand what it feels like to humiliate others. The kind of pleasure derived from such things is unacceptable to me. People being good on the front and disgusting beyond words behind the back is almost the most common sight now. I understand being double faced gives one an opportunity to be versatile in his/her nature but creativity without logic is so not productive. In my opinion, one can at least be half faced, if a single face is not affordable for them. Wait, half faced!! Yes, half faced. I believe it's better to hide a part of you than revealing what is more than enough. A half face would at least hide one's insecurities. But dual faces would actually EXPOSE a person in ways that could be lethal to his ego.
So I suggest, be half faced. Reveal what is required and lock your other self or SELVES behind the bars of your brain. Be half but be complete. Be a part but the best one. Being a large vessel, but cracked won't serve any purpose. Remember, half a meal is better than overeating.


Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Because They Are Humans Afterall

She was wearing that skirt
Blue and white sky on it
Slightly above her knees
And guess what?
Her very own character was decided,
Judged by people she didn’t even know
She was called names
Bitch, slut, whore
And what do they mean?
Who is a slut?
A woman with the attributes of a man
She cannot wear what she wants to
She cannot behave as she wishes to
She cannot laugh freely
Is she allowed to breathe at least?
Just if she’s not judged for it
It were never you to be judged, you men!
Why aren’t you judged for those words on your mouth
If not for the pieces of clothing on your body?
Your are not an angel in disguise
And she, definitely is not a demon in paradise
So who decides who is a bitch or a dog or a slut?
When everyone stands on the same platform?
Nobody is a master and no one’s a slave
Nobody is a prostitute and no one’s a sage
They are all humans
No, not even that
They are all mere creatures with a little brain
Which they use to find ways to slut shame others
And their brain, their primary asset
Does not tell them
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.’
And so they become what they speak of
They become their own demons and angels
Their own friend and foe
They spend sleepless nights
Trying to know themselves
By thinking about other men and women
Their own character is lost
and so they judge others
Men judge women
And women judge men
But never themselves
They feel more accomplished
By building walls
Walls of feminism and of masculinity
The one who is not feminine is not a woman
One who is not masculine is not a man
And who exactly is a man or a woman?
The ones who are loyal to their gender roles?
Roles decided and designated by the same so-called men and women nobody knows?
And above everything else, who are humans?
Gods in disguise! As they say?
Or just flesh and bones?
No, they are none of themselves
They are more than flesh and bones
And less than Gods
They are creatures with a purpose to fulfill in their lives
Which they often loose sight of
The ones who get lost
Who wander in infinity
Reaching no where
Having no destination
They raise their voices
Yes, they know how to do that
But they do it for themselves
And against each other
Taking pride in what they do
Not realizing that they would be the soil
They have risen from
And then? They keep repeating the same mistakes
Because man is the maker of his own destiny
And mistakes are the makers of a man

Monday, 31 July 2017

The Last Glare

She was holding his hand in her own. She did not want him to go any far for even a moment. Having lost almost everything already, she did not have the courage to deal with a new loss. Though she knew she would not be there for long to loose anything now, still she had hope. In her 84 years of life, she had been hurt for almost 55 years. Within a year of her marriage, her parents died in a road accident. Then she lost her first child when it was only 5 years old. And now she had just one person with herself, her husband- her only support, her entire life. Though she had her child, the second one, she didn’t really know where he was. Despite of loving him so much, he had abandoned them years ago when they badly needed him. And here it was, the present day. She lying on the hospital bed, suffering from a deadly disease which was eating her up all this while. To the limits of her satisfaction, she was still happy with the little things she had. With her husband’s hand in hers, she was smiling..and smiling. Both were smiling at each other. This was the last glare they shared with each other. And the time came. Her wish to meet her child remained unfulfilled and she lost her breadth. He was still holding her hand but there was no movement in her body. Her heartbeat had stopped. And..he was still holding her hand but this time, with tears in his eyes. Having left him alone, empty and incomplete, she had gone. She was no more.

Sunday, 30 July 2017

To Dream Is To Enlighten, To Enlighten Is To Educate

My books- my world
My world- a dream
all I wish, I can achieve

I can find for myself
a world of my own
I wonder how they
who don’t have access
to books and dreams
feel the realization, their life is gone

To be educated is such a big thing
like a singer’s chorus and a bird’s song
no pens in hand
and stress on mind
they strive to seek
some literature- sober and kind

Their eyes glitter
their wishes scatter
they sleep on rugs
and dream of paper

The ink they love
its patches they save
with fear and hard work
their paths they pave

Yes, they wish to be educated
and they wish by others to be stated
their only wish is to set an example
and have no hopes set for being pampered

The light of education reaches all
this is my dream- not big, so small
to enlighten ourselves is all we need
the knowledge we gain we have to feed

We need to read and we need to write
we need to plan our future bright
yes, we need to be educated
yes, we need to dream and hold it tight


Saturday, 1 July 2017

Sex Is Cheap, Love An Expensive Lie

Today is the time when people form connections just for the sake of the fulfillment of their physical needs. They need adventure and thrill. They are immature and unsure. They have no confidence and are also scared and so they want to hide their vulnerabilities in the darkness of night. Looking for fun, excitement and no responsibility, they choose the easy path of sex. Sex to them is a way to become free from worldly stress and havoc. And not wanting to give commitment, one night stands or friends with benefits are easy ways for them. They are so unsure about themselves and their capabilities that they cease to carry forward any relationship for more than a little period. They are falling out of love everyday. Sex is free and a relationship requires sacrifices and compromises. They are addicted to smartphones. It has brought people closer and hearts farther away. Love to them is not more than just a word. They are so much into each other that there is nothing left to talk about or share. They believe in meeting people and not knowing them. They believe in bodies and not in souls. They are so habituated of seeing relationships fall out that they are no more affected by them.

But, they need to understand that love is expensive but not a lie. Yes it is expensive, to be more precise, precious. It requires honesty, care, forgiveness, acceptance, trust and understanding. And these are worth no money, in fact priceless. Whereas, sex seems cheap, but can cost many lives. It is eating up people, laying a trap of addiction. A pit that has no way out. They need to know that all that glitters is not gold. Sex is not a solution to every problem in their lives. It is in fact the problem itself.

People need to get out of these hallucinations that they have themselves created. There is life beyond sex and that is worth living. And love is not just a word, it's the core of life around which the world revolves. There is love between the sun and the planets, the planets and the starts, human beings and animals, and hence they exist in complete harmony with each other. Gravity exists, but what binds everyone together is love. Sex is a pleasure, the reason of life, but it's not life. And that is what one needs to understand.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Feminism Or Femitics?

And do you feel after judging feminism as per your standards? 
Feminism today has become rice on the plate, anybody makes a meek comment on it. Feminism is not about gaining rights for women so that they could use it to show down men. It's about women getting equal rights as men in every arena of life. Why can't people just understand the core and not subject it to their brain games. Feminism is not about women getting to go where they want or wear what they wish to, it's about them being treated as human beings first. Women are not just about their boobs or bellies. They have a life beyond the pungent mentality they are subjected to. It's time that proper light is shed on the true essence of feminism. It is time to understand that it's more about equality, respect and freedom than any other thing. It's true that there is already much politics and dirty minds involved in using feminism as a tool for publicity. In my eyes, it is the sheer recklessness and meekness of women. It's not completely them, but they surely need to get up and fight for themselves. They need to teach men that they are not the society's pet. They are beasts hidden in the shell of a female body. Respect is earned and not served on the platter for free. So women!! Go and get what you deserve. It's not just about feminism but your identity as an individual, and YOU are no easy bird to catch.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

High On You

 In the midst of summer
I found you like cold wind
And then, I was all chills and shivers
It felt strange 
With the atmosphere sweating, and me freezing
I guess I was high on you
Yes, on you
You, being the only drug I ever tasted
Everything became winter for me
All white and merry
Even the nights held a different kind of beauty
The stars and the snowflakes seemed like long-lost sisters
My heart wouldn't stop beating faster
And my eyes wouldn't stop defying sleep
All I knew was that I was still warm, inside
Yes, in the midst of summer
You became my winter, and still kept me warm

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Mother's Day Isn't Enough

A question to all my dear social media freaks.. why do we need a particular day to celebrate the presence of someone whom we owe our life to? Cannot we respect this person everyday? Yes, mother she is. She, who gives us birth, takes cares of us, and works hard without any expectations throughout her life, is one single day enough for giving her what she deserves? Millions of selfies, poems and posts are witnessed on various social media sites as soon as mother's day comes. It almost seems as if all the love and respect the mothers deserve, the kids tend to give away in one day. Our generation really needs to get that there not less days to thank their mother but there is definitely a lack of realization that it is their duty to pay her back what she gives them throughout her life. The lack of love in the children's hearts has made this day so important. Today, people have time for huge birthday bashes and late night parties but not enough patience to pay heed to the needs of their mothers. And where is this all leading to? How can Western culture take over such a rich culture that we own? It's high time now that we start paying attention to our families. A mother is a gift that not every child gets. She is a blessing that we must endure and respect. Love your mother every day, every moment of your life..because one day isn't enough for what she does for you. Because she would never demand must yourself show her how much she means to you. Showing your feelings to her is as easy as posting a picture with her on social media. Try least once. It feels good!

Thursday, 11 May 2017

वक़्त कुछ यूँ ठहरता है

कौन कहता है वक़्त कभी रुकता नहीं
कभी किसी लम्हे को 'जी'कर देखा है?
या ज़िंदगी को कभी समझा है?
कभी ऐसा भी करके देखो
वक़्त वहीं थम जाता है

कभी किसी नवजात बच्चे को ऊँगली थमाई है?
या कभी उस बच्चे की हँसी को दिल में उतारा है?
कभी ऐसा भी करके देखो
वक़्त वहीं थम जाता है

कभी अमरुद चुराते पकड़े गए हो?
या कभी डाँट के डर से बिस्तर के नीचे छिपे हो?
कभी ऐसा भी किया हो तो कहते
वक़्त वहीं थम जाता है

कभी पहाड़ों की सैर की है?
या नदी के पानी को महसूस किया है?
कभी ऐसा भी करके देखो
वक़्त वहीं थम जाता है

क्या प्रेमी की आँखों में कभी सलीके से झाँका है?
या बत्ती गुल होने पर डरकर उससे लिपटे हो?
कभी ऐसा भी करके देखो
वक़्त वहीं थम जाता है

कभी कोशिश की है दादी की कहानियों का पिटारा खोलने की?
या पापा की मेहनत में कभी हाथ बँटाकर देखा है?
कभी ऐसा भी करके देखो
वक़्त वहीं थम जाता है

कभी बारिश के पानी में तुम छपक-छपक कर कूदे हो?
या उस मिट्टी की खुशबू से ओत-प्रोत नहाए हो?
कभी ऐसा भी करके देखो
वक़्त वहीं थम जाता है

कभी चित्र उकेरा है कागज़ पर?
हाथ रंगों से सजाए हैं?
कभी ऐसा भी करके देखो
वक़्त वहीं थम जाता है

कभी पढ़ी कविता है जीवन की?
या कहानी अपनी सुनाई है?
कभी ऐसा भी करके देखो
वक़्त वहीं थम जाता है

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Curves Redefined

"How curvy and beautiful she is!!" This is what men often say about women...isn't it? Why do you call a woman curvy? And moreover, which women do you find curvy? Are they your mother or wife or sister or just random girls who you think you own? Do you find the shape of her breasts or the width of her waist curvy? Or is it her hips that you find curvy? Have you ever..ever moved up above her chest and looked at her features? Do you find them beautiful despite the flaws that they possess?
Have you ever noticed 'that' curve on her face? Yes, the most beautiful curve she has...her smile.
She is a work of art away from all those miseries and guilt and all those worldly things. She has that one curve on herself that entices everyone. She can even make nature jealous of herself with her grace. With her smile, she can win hearts, defeat her demons and go from low to high and still hold the crown. Her curve is a smooth slip to every one. Have you ever noticed it so far..or fallen for it and not for her body? Have you ever been a man for her..not craving for flesh but for her soul? You call yourself a man? Be a human first. Embrace her curve and the beauty in it. Respect her for who she is and then you will stand on the principles of humanity.


Tuesday, 2 May 2017

It Did It All

Like blood draining from a sucked life out of my skin. Slowly and steadily I saw myself proceeding towards death. I felt irritated at times, at others, I was calm. I felt I was a child again. I felt my soul slipping away from my lifeless body. All the memories of life flashed in front of my eyes. They made me cry and laugh at the same time. They gave me medicines and sent me to the doctor. I told them I needed love and not medication. Sitting at a corner in my room I just watched light dripping out of my darkness. Yes, old age does make you go crazy.

Friday, 21 April 2017

Once There He Was

I had never thought about how lethal his touch could be 
I had never thought about his hands being the weapon
He who had pledged to take care of me
To treat me equal and respect my identity
He himself grabbed my dignity and threw it away
He, who had vowed before the sacred fire
To hold me above all
Stands prepared to make a deal of me
He, who had joined hands with me in this priceless tie
Stands prepared to burn me into the same fire for money
The scars on my skin are the proof 
Of how lethal his touch was
Yes, he was a weapon 
Disguised in the mask of life
He scratched my skin and pierced my soul
And hanged his wishes onto the holes
I wished for a home
But he, he gave me a cage
Where his mates and acquaintances 
Threatened me and fed me with crap
My throat lost its voice
And my eyes lost their sight
But I could still feel his hands
Moving upon my body
Pressing, rubbing and squeezing it
Extracting the life out of it
The bonds of purity 
Became the ropes of slavery
He trapped me into a prison called marriage
He, my husband, my soulmate
Took away my very own self from me
Cos he didn't want me
He wanted my body
And the savings in my bank account
He was my husband
Who tore me apart
But I, I was his wife too
With more rage in me
And even more fire inside me
I finally stood up on my own feet
My ornaments became my weapons
My body my strength
My courage shouted out
And I hit him on his face, hard
His nose started bleeding
It was sensitive though
Not like him
The spark from within me
Burnt him into ashes
Yes, he was my husband
And, he was ONCE alive

Monday, 17 April 2017


कुछ खबर न थी अपनी ही कभी
अब दुनिया की भी रखनी होती है
जब भूख लगे तब माँ होती थी
अब माँ है दूर बस रोटी है

हर शाम चैराहो पर खेल निराले
बस वही ज़िंदगी थी अपनी
मैं अपनी धुन में चलती थी
ये सारी दुनिया थी अपनी

वो आसमान था बचपन का सपना
अब बचपन ही सपना लगता है
पैरों के नीचे अँगारे हैं
बस राह पर हक अब अपना है

थे आज़ादी को तरसे अब तक
अब घर-पिंजरा याद आता है
है कामयाबी दो कदम के आगे
अब बस संघर्ष सहारा है

कौन हूँ मैं..

आज बता ही दो मुझे
कि मैं क्या लगती हूँ तुम्हें
एक इंसान..एक लड़की..एक दोस्त
या यूँ ही कोई पड़ा हुआ खिलोना
जिसके साथ खेलने तक का रिश्ता है बस तुम्हारा
चलो मत बताओ
आज मैं ही बताती हूँ तुम्हें कि मैं क्या हूँ
एक लड़की हूँ मैं...हाँ सुना तुमने..
एक एहसास हूँ मै
मै एक दरिया हूँ जिसे तुक पार नहीं कर सकते
मैं एक नदी हूँ जिसकी धारा को तुम नहीं रोक सकते
मैं कोई डिसाईनर आउटफिट नहीं हूँ
फुटपाथ की एक ड्रेस हूँ जो खंरोच लगने पर भी साथ देती है
2.5 इंच की हील नहीं हूँ
पापा की कोल्हापुरी चप्पल हूँ जो टूट चुकी है पर अब भी चल सकती है
ब्रैंडेड आइलाईनर नहीं हूँ
वो काजल हूँ जो घर के दीयों की याद दिलाता है
नहीं हूँ मैं कोई मेकअप बाॅक्स
वो धूल हूँ जो धूल होने पर भी हाथों पर जमने के बाद खुशबू-सी लगती है
नहीं हूँ तुम्हारा पंचिंग बैग
जिसपर अपना गुस्सा उतार सको तुम
और सुन लो...तुम्हारा बिस्तर नहीं हूँ मैं...बिलकुल नहीं
जिसपर दिन भर की थकान के बाद तुम सो सको
ना वो जिस्म हूँ
जिससे तुम अपनी भूख मिटा सको
ना वो शराब की बोतल हूँ
जिसे गुस्से में, दर्द में पीकर नशे की लत लग जाए तुम्हें
हाँ...मैं एक लड़की हूँ
मेरी एक रूह है
जिसे मारने का हक किसी को नहीं है...किसी को भी नहीं।

अरबी कल्याणम

आज पहली बार सुना ऐसा कुछ। ऐसी प्रथा भी है हमारे समाज में इसका पता नहीं था।

यह प्रथा है केरल और उसके आस-पास के इलाकों की।केरल अपने मसालों के लिए विश्व प्रसिद्ध है, तथा हमेशा से रहा है। इन्हीं मसालों के लिए अरबी यहाँ आते रहे हैं।

यहाँ आने पर वे कुछ समय रहते और इस छोटे से वक्त(महीने भर या उससे थोड़ा ज्यादा) में अपने मनोरंजन के लिए किसी गरीब घर की लड़की से शादी करते, उसके साथ संबंध बनाते और वापिस जाते वक्त उसे तलाक़ दे जाते। कभी-कभी तो तलाक वापिस लौटने के बाद टेलीफोन पर दिए जाते। इस शादी के लिए लड़की के घर वालों को पैसे दिए जाते।

अब आप ही बताइए, क्या लड़कियाँ (भले ही वो गरीब क्यों न हो) काई सामान या खिलौना है जिसे खरीद लिया और मन भर जाने पर वापिस छोड़ दिया किसी जगह सड़ने को। कैसे लोग हैं हमारे समाज में..जो ऐसी कुरीतियों को बढ़ावा देते हैं। चंद पैसों के लिए अपनी खुद की जनी संतान को बेच देना। क्या गलती है उसकी..कि वो एक लड़की है़़ ?

हर जगह हर हाल में लड़कियाँ क्यों बली चढ़ती इन प्रथाओं की। सच बताऊँ तो मुझे ऐसे किसी कल्यानम (शादी) के बारे में पता नहीं था। आज एक टीवी प्रोग्राम पर देखा तो मालूम हुआ।

लोग बड़ी-बड़ी बातें करते है महिला सशक्तिकरण की, उनकी सुरक्षा की फिर कहाँ से आती हैं ये दखिया-नूसी परंपराएँ।ये दिखावा बंद करना होगा अब और कदम बढ़ाने होंगे। औरतों के लिए कुछ करने की हिम्मत नहीं है तो उनपर उँगली भी न उठाए कोई।

आज के समय में जब हर क्षेत्र में इतना विकास हो चुका है, और हो रहा है..वहाँ आज भी ऐसी कुरीतियों का ज़िदा होना बेहद शर्म की बात है। क्या फ़ायदा इस तरक्की का जब लोगों की सोच वही सदियों पुरानी है। एक तरफ लोग लड़कियों की इज्ज़त के रखवाले होने के दावे करते हैैं वहीं दूसरी ओर वही लोग हर दूसरे हफ्ते किसी बलात्कार को अंजाम देते है। ऐसी दोहरी मानसिकता वाले लोग हमारे समाज का वो घुन हैं जिसे हम खुद आश्रय दे रहे हैं और जो हमें ही खोखला कर रहा है। 

एक अच्छे समाज के लिए इन भद्दी रीतियों के फितूर को लोगों के सर से उतारना जरुरी है ताकि इनके नाम पर होने वाले कुकर्म बंद हो। क्योंकि चाहे आधुनिकता कितनी ही क्यों न बढ़ जाए और सभ्यताएं कितनी ही क्यों न बदल जाए, एक अच्छे समाज का निर्मान अच्छे मन, अच्छी सोच व अच्छे लोगांे से ही होता हैै।

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Education And Wisdom

Education, the light of one’s life,
The path to success and wisdom.
Wisdom, the ultimate destination,
The destination to a worthy life.
Though education is easy to attain,
much of the time.
But wisdom is not bound by education.
Wisdom is complete,
and education just a half.
The half of a circle,
the circle of life, of enlightenment.
Both are crucial, both are tragic,
and both priceless in ways.
Where education is the key to success,
wisdom is the lock itself.
Incomplete without each other
they strive to be together.
Knowledge lets one know what is needed to be done next.
But how to do it with compassion and simplicity
is known by just wisdom.
One needs to be educated
but he needs to have wisdom too.
Education lifts one up,
wisdom holds him there.
An educated man with strong virtues and wisdom,
is worth all the treasures of gold.
Yes, education wins the heart,
and wisdom wins the soul.
And together when they stand,
they tend to win the world.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Know Your Worth Being A Woman

Women, the better half of the society. And where do they stand right now? Do they really get their equal rights and the credits for what they ever do? For all they do, they never get what they deserve.
In the ancient period in India, women were treated equal to men. They were given equal opportunities on the education and income front. They were given proper education and were taught techniques of warfare for protecting themselves. There was not even any purdah system and women didn’t need to hide themselves from anyone. But, since the arrival of the Muslims, mainly Afghans and Mughals, the purdah system came into existence. Women began to be treated as the lesser halves of the society. Their rights were snatched and she was subjected to the will of men.
Women today, have again risen from their position. They have uplifted themselves and the society through their role in it. From Sita and Draupadi to Kalpana Chawla and Malala Yousufzai, the contribution of women to the society is undefinable. Breaking all norms against the suppression of women, defeating evils like sati pratha, devdasi pratha, widow marriage and purdah system, yes, women have come far. But there is still a long way to go. Women are yet to achieve equality in every aspect.
But somewhere in between all these things, there came a time when from complete ignorance to a little knowledge, women began to realise their worth. In their own upliftment, they came to be influenced by western cultures. They realised that the women in West had more rights than them. But the fact is that even the women from the west didn’t have much freedom and rights in their early days. To attract more attention towards themselves, they came to use make-up, ornaments and clothes as tools. These tools for seeking attention began materialising women. This was the time when the requirement of the concept of women empowerment came into light. And today, when women walk on streets, they feel trapped and wounded. Wounded by the eyes of people who continuously scan them throughout. Rapes and murders are day-to-day happenings. Every day, every hour, every minute there is a new headline for such incidents.

Why talking about strangers, our own friends, family members, relatives and we ourselves face threats and teasing in the society. Trust me on this, being a girl, a woman in today’s society is just not easy. When you have to take care of your clothes, your hairs, your waists, your breasts and your bellies, it’s so not easy. You have to take care of even an inch of fat coming out of size zero. You have to wear your sindoor and managalsutra or you are not a loyal wife. You cannot talk to other men if you you have a partner already.
One of these things that I have felt is the striking mentality of people, both men and women when they see a girl travelling alone. This one is my personal experience. I have noticed the eyes full of greed and disgust when they a single girl sitting in a bus or a train. For them, that is the character certificate of that girl. They stare at you like you are an alien with beautiful features, prettier than those of humans. For them, real humans are those..or I should say real women are those who learn to be in their limits. And what are these limits? Is being killed in the womb a limit? Or not receiving education a limit? How would the society define these limits? Are there really any such defined limits?
Talking about women empowerment is so very easy. But when it comes to lending a hand, only a handful of people raise their voices. Others just become silent spectators, deaf to the cry of the victim. This is how people treat women today. But the other side of the story is that women are not victims, they are warriors that always emerge as winners. She is the reason for the existence of men. So SHE is the one who is superior, even if it is not acceptable to men. She is not a threatened and scared abala naari. She is Durga, she is kaali. She is the bravest form of life on earth. She can bear the whole world on her shoulders. If you call her a bitch or a slut, that defines you because a life carrying the whole universe in herself cannot be defined by certain nouns. She cannot be constricted into words. So eh next next time you try to tease or underestimate women, remember, you are alive because she gave you life. So thank her for you existence. Thank every women in your life because she deserves it. Treat her well and that makes you a real man, a real human. Respect every woman on this earth. She might not protest your behavior but once she is outraged, she becomes rage and glory. She is transparent, caring and brave. She is beautiful, she is an ocean of thoughts and wonders. She is...a WOMAN.

Sexism At Work

Today, when women are competing and moving ahead in every field, they obviously have to get out of their homes and search for work. Now the question that comes into one’s mind is that..can there be an ideal workplace for women? And if not, then shouldn’t women work and be independent? Are they meant to be enslaved by or depend on men forever? Despite being strong and willing, women are having a hard time in today’s society. As soon as they get out of their homes they are halted by the fear of molestation. From one door to the other, from home to their workplace, they still have the same fear. Before choosing to work outside, they first need to prepare themselves for the consequences they might face. They need to prepare themselves for the authority that might harm her or the pressure they might face or the scrutinizing gazes that might pierce her soul. And this has become a routine behavior for women going out of their homes for the first time.
 Here is a story of Rati, 26 who lives in Jharkhand and works as an employee in a mobile company. Recalling her older job, she feels disgusted. Being the only earning member of her family, she had to work in any circumstances. During the first day of her work, she was nervous yet excited. She was warmly welcomed by her colleagues and seniors. She felt overwhelmed. But the special attention and extra care by one of her seniors worried her. Her ignorance started leading to giving more access to her body. It then went by with touching unwanted areas of her body. She felt embarrassed and suppressed. She knew raising her voice would prove to be of no use to her as she was new and going to the police would mean no income and even more problems for her family. So she chose to leave the job. 

Every second girl facing sexual abuse at workplace is unable to raise her voice or get justice. They simply keep switching jobs, either because of the fear of their family being harmed or because they learn that some part of the society cannot be changed. They have to hide their arms, their bellies, their cleavage and their thoughts. They are bullied, teased, molested and what not. The assaults to their bodies and to their souls need to stop. Being a woman is the biggest gift of life. Why waste it by being ruled by someone else. We women own our bodies and it’s we who have the right to decide what to hide And what to flaunt, where to work and where not to, to work until what time, to not work at all. And if anybody questions us on this, we need to raise our voices because nobody can snatch away our rights in the society. We are women. We are fierce tigresses not afraid of anything who just need to know our worth and strength and fight against molestation at workplace or anywhere else.

Friday, 3 March 2017


He looked into the mirror unable to see his own reflection. He just saw his own evils haunting him from every direction. The worst part was that he could not correct himself anymore. His shadow was lost. He lately saw his family crying, memories of his past flashing in his mind. Finally, realizing that he lay on the ground, dead with his devils laughing at him and his loved ones crying.

The Mistake

She lay on the road thrown out of the car by those monsters. She stood their with pain in her body and in her heart. Vehicles crossed, watching her intently but not a single helping hand. her mistake was one, that she thought she was in a free country and night out was her right. She didn't know there were vampires ready to suck her soul. This was her mistake.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

And What Made Her That?

Countless days passed. And she was still ill, more due to her fate than her ailment. The scars on her body revealed just how much she had tried to free herself each time a demon overtook her body. Yes, her very own body. It was not she who chose to get into such filth, but destiny had something too dreadful planned for her. Having slept with so many people, young and old she had forgotten what a father, a brother or a lover meant. There was a time when she had them all. But that was certainly not her piece of happiness. She never chose to be a prostitute, not even being called by that name. They were the circumstances that forced her into it. Time never does her any good. And at this point of time, she has no soul left, no mind to decide right or wrong, not even a voice to raise. She has become senseless. Having no senses left, she was now just a show piece, torn and ugly waiting to be just thrown into trash. Though she was a prostitute, but she never does that on wish. Though she lied on that bed every time someone wanted to enslave her, that doesn’t mean she was not being raped. Every time she did that, she gave away one part of her that defined her. A part so torn away that it couldn’t even be repaired. She was a human just as others and she deserved love and respect just as others did. More than wanting something, she needed it. She needed love that could heal her, heal her to the soul. Bodily wound had already stopped affecting her. She had lost sense of worldly pleasures of relationships and luxuries. She herself felt she was no more a human. At least she had never been treated like one. If being a woman was her fault, it was better that she didn’t have this life, a life worth nothing. Where she had nothing, no freedom, no emotions no self, nothing. She was a ‘no one’ at this point of time. Not even a particle that mattered to anyone other than people who craved for a body for their pleasures. And what was her mistake? Was it that she was a woman or that she was a woman with miseries?

Monday, 20 February 2017

You Lost Me But I Found Myself

Part by part, inch by inch
You lost me
Every time you scowled at me
Every time you raised your voice at me
You lost a part of me
Part by part you tore me apart
The beautiful soul every one envied
Yes, you lost me
A simple, real, ordinary girl
Every time you chose lust over love
You lost me
Every time you shouted at me for no reason
When you scared me by your rage
You lost me
You lost the woman, the girl,  the human being
Who was more than just a piece of cloth
Or a cheap toy
You lost an expensive smile
An even more expensive depth of the eyes
Every time you lied
You lost a part of me
And with all these little lies
Part by part you lost me
The whole of me
Leaving me to myself
Hopeless, scared, doubtful, insecure
Part by part you snatched away life from my living
Part by part you lost my name
My body, my soul. Yes, you lost me.

You or Not You.. I'll Be the Same

You were my sunshine
The light in my darkness
I let you shower your brightness upon me
I let you overpower my mind with your thoughts 
I let you make me trust you
I let you make me fall for you
I let you touch me
I let you kiss me to the depth of myself
I let you take away my soul with you
And now..
Now that I'm lost
Now that I have got my trust broken
Now that I find myself in the middle of nowhere
Why do I blame you?
Why do I even recall your name?
Is that even your real name, anyway?
Why do I still sob into my pillow?
Why do I hold my hand as if it's you?
It's me who has done this
The one solely responsible
And now that I've found the culprit
I decide to blame me
To give away myself
To hold you above my dignity
To hold you above love
Why do I even call it love?
Now that I've got my lessons
I decide to let myself heal
To repair my wounds with time
To let you live and live myself
I decide to let KARMA do its part
To let what's meant for you, fall upon you
To let time repeat itself,  with you
To let you realize the loss
Maybe you don't
But I decide to give you your lesson
To smile each day and each moment
To let you be jealous of my glow and my glory
To let you see me enjoy my solidarity
I be happy
Without a sunshine
But with the whole sun
I decide to LIVE

Trying To Be

I'm not a stranger to myself I'm just trying to be To let someone else Know me The way I tried and lost Though I know myself...